[ST Ref: PT-B1-C5_220701: ‘Planetoid Trilogy’, ‘Star Island’, Chapter Five: “Another Paris Meeting”.]

SP: Barrie, one of your characters in chapter 5 of your book ‘Star Island’ makes reference to wormholes. Do wormholes feature in your novel?
BC: Are you asking me to release a spoiler, Ian? (frowns).
SP: This could be a short interview.
BC: Yep!
SP: Let me rephrase my question.
BC: By all means, (smiles).
SP: Do you think that wormholes exist?
BC: I have no idea. I am an engineer, not a physicist. But I believe that there may be some difference in opinion amongst physicists as to whether wormholes may or could exist. I have recently seen mention of new research on this subject, but this research would appear to be ongoing.
SP: So why does your character mention wormholes?
BC: My characters are fictional but they express opinions like real people. And like real people their opinions may be correct, or they me be incorrect, or somewhere in between. Also, the opinions of my characters are not necessarily my personal opinions, and visa versa.
This is the beauty of writing fiction. Some of the best novels have characters giving opinions and/or believing they have witnessed some fact, which are subsequently revealed to be incorrect. Mistaken judgments, false impressions. A witness says he saw someone with a red shirt, but photo evidence reveals later that it was a blue shirt. Or a character may believe the motive of another character is such and such when in fact it is revealed to be something completely different.
SP: So, wormholes are a red herring?
BC: I could not possibly say, (smiles enigmatically).
SP: Hmm, perhaps I shall leave it there. Thank you Barrie for sharing whatever it is that you have shared with us.
BC: My pleasure, Ian. Thank you for asking me whatever it is that you asked me.