[ST Ref: PT-B1-C14_240916: ‘Planetoid Trilogy’, ‘Star Island’, Chapter Fourteen: “MiniAXE Second Test” – Repeatability]
MiniAXE Tests
The need for a second identical test of the MiniAXE apparatus was the direct result of the strange event recounted in chapters 1 and 6 of Star Island, Book One of Planetoid Trilogy.
Of course the MiniAXE test apparatus is fictional,
The following image of a non-fictional test apparatus is from CERN. The equipment is part of the Large Hadron Collider. The CERN experiments are designed to be repeatable in order to investigate nuclear particles and expand our knowledge of modern physics.

Repeatability and Reproducibility
There is a subtle difference between repeatability and reproducibility. Let’s examine these differences:
A good definition of repeatability is that found on Technology Network‘s website:
‘Repeatability is a measure of the likelihood that, having produced one result from an experiment, you can try the same experiment, with the same setup, and produce that exact same result. It’s a way for researchers to verify that their own results are true and are not just chance artifacts.’
This was the purpose of the fictional MiniAXE second test in Chapter 14 of ‘Star Island’.
Reproducibility is somewhat different in purpose:
Again, a good definition of reproducibility is also found on Technology Network‘s website:
‘The reproducibility of data is a measure of whether results in a paper can be attained by a different research team, using the same methods. This shows that the results obtained are not artifacts of the unique setup in one research lab. It’s easy to see why reproducibility is desirable, as it reinforces findings and protects against rare cases of fraud, or less rare cases of human error, in the production of significant results.’
Reproducibility, in terms of the fictional MiniAXE test, would have had to be undertaken by another research group. But that was not the purpose of the MiniAXE second test. The Artume Project’s MiniAXE apparatus was still in development and top secret. The second test was intended to see whether or not the unexpected event would repeat.

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