Seaswell Publishing and Barrie Cameron are pleased to report that the Phoenix 3rd iteration edit of ‘Phoenix‘, Book Three of Planetoid Trilogy is currently in progress. The 2nd iteration edit was completed in July 2023, as we had predicted in our last ‘Phoenix‘ post of 9th July.
Phoenix 3rd Iteration Edit
Cameron then immediately began the Phoenix 3rd iteration edit. Unfortunately the progress of this 3rd iteration slowed in August due to circumstances unrelated to our publishing. However, progress pickled up in September with two thirds of the iteration largely completed to date. Cameron estimates that this Phoenix 3rd iteration edit should be completed in October. It is likely that the fourth iteration may be the final iteration before merging the chapter files into one book file and embarking on the final edit prior to publishing. The publication of ‘Phoenix’ is now likely before Christmas. We shall be aiming for the release of the paperback and e-book in November, but it may slip into December. 2023.
3rd Iteration Edit
The 3rd iteration includes work on:
Scene Sequences
The 3rd iteration edit of Planetoid Trilogy‘s Book Three, ‘Phoenix‘, includes checks of the scene sequences within the plot timeline. It is very easy when writing, and even during editing, to make small errors in sequence and timing of events. These are usually minor, relating to two or more story lines that must be synchronized at critical points in the overall plot timeline.
Technical Details
One advantage of rereading chapters as part of iterative editing is the opportunity for revealing gaps in scene descriptions and technical inconsistencies between chapters. The 3rd iteration will be addressing any such gaps and inconsistencies, if found.
Typos and Grammatical Errors
Repeated readings of the manuscript are valuable in filtering out typos and grammatical errors. However, any modifications to the text due to corrections of sequence and scene details during successive iterations risk to introduce new typos and grammar errors. A rule of thumb we use is to simply add another iteration if there are any major updates to the text in the last iteration. Thus even the 4th iteration may not be the last before merging the chapter files into one file.
4th Iteration
The 4th iteration edit should proceed much quicker than the 3rd edit, but this is hard to predict.
Revised Publication Date
With the Phoenix 3rd iteration edit in full progress, Cameron now expects ‘Phoenix’, Book Three of Planetoid Trilogy, to be published on Amazon before Christmas 2023. We shall be aiming for the release of the POD paperback and e-book in November, but it may slip into December, 2023.
Books One and Two are Available
As previously announced, we have already published the first two books of Planetoid Trilogy as E-books and print-on-demand paperback. These are available from Amazon:
Print-on-demand paperbacks:
Book One, ‘Star Island‘, and
Book Two, ‘Three Fates‘.
Book One, ‘Star Island‘, and
Book Two, ‘Three Fates‘.