[ST Ref: PT-B1-C16_241014: ‘Planetoid Trilogy’, ‘Star Island’, Chapter Sixteen: “Photographs”]
Dry River Cave revisited
In Chapter Sixteen, “Photographs”, of ‘Star Island‘, Book One of ‘Planetoid Trilogy‘, Jimmy travels to Nevada to inspect the archaeology in the Dry River Cave. He joins Hank and his team and they revisit the cave and view its mysterious contents.
Lost Artifact
Later, after leaving the cave, Jimmy is presented with photographs of the lost artifact from the cave. (For more information, see our earlier post featuring the artifact: [ST Ref: PT-B1-C7_220813: ‘Planetoid Trilogy’, ‘Star Island’, Chapter Seven: “Chance Meeting”.])
Where is the lost artifact? What is it and what is its significance? How did it come to be on the archaeology site within the cave?
For Jimmy, the biggest mystery is the archaeology itself. He needs to study it further to try and determine its origins. But perhaps the artifact is a key to the mystery.
Artume Project
What is the connection, if any, between the artifact and the Artume Project? And is DAC implicated in the MiniAXE test apparatus incident and the consequential disappearance of the physicist?

There are many questions to be answered. Of course if you read ‘Star Island‘, you will meet these questions in the context of the story and have a better appreciation of the mystery.
Happy reading!
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