[ST Ref: PT-B1-C8-1_240704: ‘Planetoid Trilogy’, ‘Star Island’, Chapter Eight: “Energy Matters”.]
Post by: Barrie Cameron, author of ‘Planetoid Trilogy’.
This present post carries on from a previous post that also concerned Chapter Eight: [ST Ref: PT-B1-C8_230818: ‘Planetoid Trilogy’, ‘Star Island’, Chapter Eight: “Energy Matters”.]
This present post extends the issue of energy to the rest of the novel and to science fiction in general. It also marks a relaunch of my monthly ‘Star Island’ chapter posts after a pause of almost a year.
Star Island‘s Chapter Eight, Energy Matters
Why is energy of particular interest in Chapter Eight of ‘Star Island‘, Book One of ‘Planetoid Trilogy‘?
Conservation of Energy

Conservation of energy is a fundamental law of physics of the known Universe: energy cannot be created or destroyed. However, it can be transformed from one form to another. For example from potential energy to kinetic energy, or from kinetic energy to heat. Also, in chemical and nuclear reactions, energy can be absorbed or released when atomic bonds are formed or broken; or when the nuclei of atoms are formed or broken.
Energy Matters
You will have noticed that ‘Energy Matters’, the title of Chapter Eight of ‘Star Island’, is a play on words.

In the particular meeting recounted in Chapter Eight, the investigators and scientists are reviewing the mysterious events that occurred during the AXE apparatus test. The title of the chapter suggests that:
– the subject (or matter) of the meeting is energy; and
– energy really does matter (i.e. energy is important to the investigation).

Importance of Energy
Energy is the most important constituent of our Universe.
Einstein’s equation: E = mc2, relates energy to mass. They are intrinsically linked. They are forms of the same essence of the Universe. This relationship between matter and energy, and its consequences, are the chief preoccupation of the study of physics.
Science Fiction and Energy
Any Science Fiction story necessarily involves energy in some shape or form. Whether the story includes space ships, orbiting planets, suns or black holes, biospheres, aliens, new inventions, super computers, robots, AI, or just adventures in space or in time, energy will be involved somewhere. Of course you could say the same about other genres, but we are concerned with science fiction here.

‘Planetoid Trilogy’ is no exception, energy is ever-present, as an informal character entwined through out the tale.
Star Island chapter posts
I will be continuing the ‘Star Island’ chapter posts on a monthly basis. I look forward to presenting them to you over the following months. Please do not hesitate to comment on them.