Post by author Barrie Cameron:
What is full sustainability?
What is full sustainability? This post focuses on this question, and what is being undertaken to achieve it for our Biosphere. This post, “What is full sustainability?”, was inspired by reading a recently published science fiction book that has as its main theme the importance of collecting, recording, and disseminating scientific field research data on the state of the environment. I asked myself, do I really understand what full sustainability involves? I then embarked on an internet search to better inform myself on this question. But first allow me to discuss the book which inspired my interest in this urgent question.
The Importance of Biological Science Field Data
While progressing my editing of “Three Fates” I have also been doing some reading. Generally, I read both fiction and non-fiction. I select books, and articles in magazines that catch my eye, and which I feel might expand my knowledge and aid my writing. Of course sometimes the criteria is purely interest. “The Stone Weta” came to my notice while attending a speculative fiction meeting.
“The Stone Weta”
I have just finished reading “The Stone Weta“ by Octavia Cade. The novel’s genre is science fiction. Cade has set her speculative fiction tale in the near future where global warming continues to wreck havoc on the planet. Biological and environmental science are under siege by vested interest. Her protagonists are members of an informal secret society of female scientists dedicated to preserving data in secret caches to save it for future generations. They are driven to hiding the data by the anti-science activities of shadowy forces that subtly, and sometimes not so subtly, interfere in pure science research. This interference includes the restriction on the allocation of research funding and the censorship of scientific papers. These powerful forces see objective science and the scientific method as counter to their selfish economic and other interests.
Science Fiction
Science fiction is a useful genre for asking, “what if…?”, in this case, what if science, the scientific method, and real data, do not receive sufficient support from the human community to counter the forces that would distort or extinguish scientific knowledge. Knowledge which explains the true nature of things, and particularly of life on our planet Earth. Importantly, any interference in biological science research negatively affects progress towards full sustainability on our planet.
Importance of objective scientific data
Cade’s book presents a fresh view of issues affecting the natural sciences. Collection of objective data from the study of the planet’s life has a direct bearing on the sustainability problem. The analysis of the field data evidences damage being done by human activities and hence the urgent need for moving to total sustainability. The scientific data that is at risk is critical for an accurate understanding of the biosphere’s changing state in the face of human activities that drive global warming, affect the extinction of species, encourage de-forestation, and cause pollution. When we consider the interface between the natural world of the biosphere and our human activity, we inevitably come upon the question of sustainability. Our civilization and way of life both relies on the biosphere and inflicts change on it. There is urgent need to engineer our energy generation and use, mining, industry, agriculture, forestry, communities, transport systems, and commerce to be fully sustainable within the biosphere.
What is Full Sustainability?
When we think of sustainability, and talk about how our particular activity is moving towards full sustainability, do we really understand what full sustainability actually involves? Do we tend to be blinkered by the very real need for prompt action on electrification and decarbonisation, while ignoring the effects of our activities on pollution, and damage to the diversity of flora and fauna and to the environment generally?
Incorporating sustainability into company policy and action
In our everyday work, the pressure to achieve goals and deadlines can drive these sustainability issues from our minds. That is unless they form part of the project or process specification. That is, full sustainability needs to be incorporated within the policy and goals of our company. It must form part of our industrial and commercial processes. This of course requires very clear direction from above. Our respective company’s Board and CEO must make clear and unambiguous directives on sustainability. It must be up there in importance with Health and Safety.
Government regulation to encourage and mandate sustainability
Governments can assist corporations and medium and small businesses to include sustainability within their company culture. Sustainability must be an indispensable component of capital and operational activities. By enacting clear and concise legislation and regulations, governments can create a level playing ground so that competing enterprises in any particular market have with no excuse for cutting corners and avoiding their responsibilities. Policing laws can be problematic for some countries but we need to start somewhere.
What is Sustainability?
A “What is Sustainability” search of the internet reveals many postings on this subject. I found the following particularly interesting and relevant:
- “The Biosphere Rules“, by Gregory Unruh is the Arison Professor at George Mason University. He is coauthor, with Á Cabrera, of the upcoming book, Being Global: How to Think, Act, and Lead in a Transformed World.
- Sustainability Council, University of Alberta.
- Sustainability, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
- Sustainability, Wikipedia
- Sustainable Development Goals, UN.
- “What is Sustainability?”, UCLA Sustainability.
- Carbon Tax, World Economic Forum
- WTO Chief Calls for Global Carbon Price, Reforms to Tariffs and Red Tape to Clean up Supply Chains, World Economic Forum.
- How 4 Chinese enterprises are taking action on sustainable development, Davos 2023, World Economic Forum.
- “The business of sustainability: Opportunities for India“, UN Environment Programme.
- Here’s what experts said about the energy transition in Davos, Davos 2023, World Economic Forum.
There is no shortage of articles on the internet discussing and reporting on Sustainability, Global Warming, energy transitioning, etc.
What is needed is more governments, corporations, companies (big and small), societies, and individuals, committing to sustainability and demonstrating their commitment with real and immediate action.
Unfortunately current economic pressures and a misunderstanding of the real benefits to to be gained from transitioning to sustainability distracts many from embracing sustainability and the immediate urgent action that is required. This needs to change.
Focusing design of new products and systems, and the redesign of existing products and systems, on a sustainable end result is imperative. Sustainability cannot be treated as an after thought that follows the main design work. It must be center stage right from the word go!