We are pleased to announce that editing of ‘Three Fates‘, Book 2 of Planetoid Trilogy, recommences this week. However, Cameron still has limitations on his time so the rate of completion of Three Fates will not be as quick as he would like. We will post further updates as editing progresses.
Three Fates, Book 2 of Planetoid Trilogy:
In Three fates, Cameron will take us from Earth into the outer Solar System to intercept the Planetoid. This journey will take us to Mars, the Asteroid Belt, and Jupiter and out into the Kuiper Belt. The background to this expedition and its urgency is introduced in the first book, Star Island, via a sequence of unexpected events.
Star Island, Book 1 of Planetoid Trilogy:
In the meantime, while ‘Three Fates‘ is being edited, you may obtain an E-book or paperback copy of ‘Star Island‘, Book 1 of the Planetoid Trilogy, from Amazon.
It is 2050, Earth, and the planet and humanity is beset by climate change and other pressures. If these problems were not enough an interstellar visitor threatens to collide with Earth. This new threat is revealed in ‘Star Island‘ during a series of unusual events. An unlikely heroine is chosen to save the planet. This she sets out to do with the help of her companions and humanity’s powers that be. However her course is not smooth and there are many setbacks to overcome.

Phoenix, Book 3 of Planetoid Trilogy:
Once ‘Three Fates‘ is released, Cameron will complete editing of ‘Phoenix‘, Book 3 of the Planetoid Trilogy. There will unfortunately be a delay before this last book is published.
In ‘Phoenix‘, the final book of the Trilogy, our heroes must overcome unknown and unexpected forces, both within and outside the Planetoid, that conspire to prevent the success of the expedition.